Dark spots are not exclusive to African Americans – white people, Asians, and Native Americans can all experience these spots, though you’ll find that they’re much more commonly found among those with darker skin tones and especially black people. It’s also a strange phenomenon that these pigmentation differences can often be more noticeable on black skin rather than white skin, but of course it depends on the individual. Most techniques you’ll find on the subject of removing these spots will only cover methods that provide temporary relief or provide long term relief through the use of dangerous or potentially harmful practices.
What Causes Dark Spots To Form?
A great way to tackle any problem is to take a deeper look at the actual cause and the factors which can trigger it. Some things are totally out of your control while others can be managed. For example, perhaps the biggest factor (that we can control) is staying out of the sun. It is a well-known fact that too much exposure to the sun without any protection can easily result in the formation of nasty dark spots. So, we can draw the conclusion that staying out of the sun is in our favor.
However, a lot of the times dark spot formation is out of our control. This is the case when they are caused by blood vessel deformities and melanin coagulation.
Best Dark Spot Corrector For African American Skin To Buy
We’ve tested many formulas and a lot of them have worked, but not in the way we desired. What we value most in a product is that 1) it works effectively over the longterm, and 2) it is healthy to use for all people. The product that does both of these things and is great for African American skin in particular is Zeta White. By using this product, one can notice almost instantaneous or even overnight results. It really works wonders and treats the dark spot(s) rather than just covering them up like makeup or any other product would.
What Separates Zeta White From The Crowd?
Considering the fact that there are so many options out there, you’ll naturally attract many people who wonder what separates this product from the rest of the ones available on the market. In general the level of effectiveness of this product is up there with the very best of them so that is not very different. However, where the cream really shines is in the actual formula itself and how safe it is.
We’ve already written an article on the best product without Hydroquinone and the reality remains the same regardless of what the dangerous ingredient is. If you aren’t careful, skin brightening or lightening creams can cause burning, itching, and even peeling of the skin. Obviously these creams are not worth the trouble, at least for most people. Knowing that this product is all-natural, you can rest easy to know that you won’t be suffering from any of those terrible side effects.
Natural Dark Spot Correctors For Black Skin
Depending on the level of severity, one may be able to potentially have the dark spots blended into the skin naturally at home without any special creams or treatments. Remember though that the biggest X-Factor in all this is the level of severity; if the dark spots are barely visible you’ll probably have a pretty good shot at eliminating them, but if they are very prominent and have been present for a few months or years these natural techniques probably won’t help as much as you’d like.
1. Use Natural Solutions
If you’ve had the chance to consume any other content of ours, you will have likely seen that we are generally big fans of aloe vera. We believe it to be pretty much the #1 go-to solution for all things skin related, at least in the early stages. Give aloe vera a try and see if it will help you lose the dark spots!
2. Lemon Juice/Apple Cider Vinegar
These are obviously less potent ways that one can go about using to attack their dark spots. Can they potentially provide relief? Maybe. Can you expect to completely remove all of the dark spots from your face using lemon juice? Highly unlikely, but worth a shot.
3. Yogurt/Buttermilk
Unfortunately this particular technique is not one that we had the chance of testing, but based on deep research we can easily see that these two foods contain high amounts of lactic acid, which lightens and exfoliates the skin. Try applying them a few times a day every day for optimal results.
Dark Spot Prevention
Again, when we’re talking about preventing dark spots on the skin, there isn’t much we can do. The one thing that arguably does the most impact is avoiding the sun which for some people can be quite a big deal and have a great effect. If you’re someone that doesn’t spend that much time out in the sun anyways then you could be pretty sure that doing this won’t get you any tangible results. Preventing them from occurring internally is more tough but involves paying closer attention to your diet and health in general; most very healthy people do not suffer from skin conditions of any sort.
Bottom Line: Best Dark Spot Corrector For African American Skin
The best dark spot corrector for black skin is prevention of dark spots in the first place. The second best corrector is the Zeta White product which we discussed a little bit about above since it works so seamlessly to get the results you deserve. Remember, how you feel about your appearance is very important and if there’s something you can do to make yourself have a more positive outlook on your image, then you should do it.
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