The Menopause Diet: 5 Day Plan To Lose Weight Fast In 2022

menopause diet 5 day plan to lose weight

Menopause is something that every woman eventually goes through once they reach a certain point in their lives. Some are burdened with it at an earlier age while a smaller portion of women are able to hold it off until their 50’s. Regardless of when it happens, one thing is for sure – a lot of things change and most women will typically have to put up with a substantial amount of new things in their lives such as hot flashes, sleeping problems, chills, and weight gain. The slowing of the metabolism is very common amongst women going through menopause and the fact of the matter is that weight gain is pretty much inevitable. The problem is that weight gained during this point in a woman’s life is significantly more difficult to lose and deal with over the long run. Any time you are dealing with a slowed metabolism, you are likely to find weight loss far more challenging.


5 Day Plan To Lose Weight Using The Menopause Diet

Though the traditional stuff that people most often talk about when it comes to losing weight works, achieving a certain level of success in regards to weight loss during menopause is far more challenging than it is at any other point in your life. Sure, you can try to change up your diet and hit the treadmill more consistently and for longer periods of time but at the end of the day, losing substantial amounts of weight from doing these things is unlikely. In order to truly lose lots of fat throughout this point in your life, it is imperative that you use the “secrets” being used by celebrities and nutritionists. What we’re talking about is the diet known as Cinderella Solution.

menopause diet plan

As far as weight loss during this point in a woman’s life is concerned, there are a few “hacks” that can be performed in order to make the weight loss far easier than it would traditionally be. The main reason that women find weight loss to be such a challenge when they reach this point comes down to a few key points – they are all related to metabolism and how this can determine how much fat we store and where that fat gets stored in the first place. Up until this point, menopausal weight gain was just something inevitable that happens to every woman. It was deemed to be as inevitable as menopause itself and for this reason, there is not nearly enough information online about how it can be stopped.

Fortunately, new studies are showing that losing significant amounts of fat and body weight in general is becoming far more simple as we make new strides in learning about how a menopausal state affects women looking strictly from a weight gain point-of-view. The Menopause Belly Diet is just one of the first breakthroughs and we must admit it is truly remarkable in terms of research, consistency, and of course – the results it brings.


Steps You Can Take Right Now During Menopause With The 5 Day Plan To Lose Weight Fast

It’s understandable that not everyone will be able to use the belly diet due to different circumstances. While this solution is potent and the most effective we’ve personally seen, it makes sense that it may be too intense for some people who are suffering from specific conditions. For these people, we recommend taking a more general approach to losing weight – an approach that would be similar to the one you’d use when looking to lose weight regardless of whether or not you’re in a menopausal state. This can be things like tracking your calories, incorporating high-intensity-interval-training, or just fasting. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to stick with it until the end or you may not notice the results you’re looking to achieve.

1. Take Carbs Out Of Your Diet Entirely

The combination of a slow metabolism paired with a diet high in carbohydrates is one of the last things you should consider engaging in if you’re looking to lose weight or stay slim. It is a well known fact that when the body has a surplus of glucose (carbs) in its system, it will tend to store a large portion of it into fat. The slower your metabolism is, the more true this will be and for this reason, women who are going through menopause should either completely take carbs out of their diet or simply reduce their carbohydrate intake drastically.

2. Incorporate Cardio And/Or Strength Training Into Your Routine

It’s not secret that one of the biggest things individuals will typically notice when they enter a menopausal stage is muscle loss. Because of this, it is important that you try to incorporate some level of exercise into your life preserve your muscle mass as much as possible while promoting your body to burn off excess fat, if you’re in a caloric deficit of some sort. This is a classic case of “hitting two birds with one stone” and exercise in general is highly recommended for women aged 45 and over.

3. Get Sufficient Rest/Sleep

Getting enough high-quality sleep is important for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. People who sleep too little have higher levels of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin, lower levels of the “fullness hormone” leptin and are more likely to be overweight. This is typically much easier said than done as insomnia and an increased difficulty when it comes to falling asleep is common during and after menopause, just like weight gain.

4. Take On An Alkaline Diet

Research shows that utilizing an alkaline diet to your advantage is a great way to promote weight loss and health in general. Getting alkaline basically means avoiding acidic foods like meats, and alcohol, while increasing alkaline foods such as vegetables, water, and good fats. Once you get your body to an alkaline state, you can eliminate carbs from your diet to get to a ketosis state and start eliminating fat — especially belly fat!


Why It’s Critical To Attack The Weight Gain Head On

Many women wonder why it is so important to attack the weight gain problem head on. The truth is that the biggest reason you want to stop the problem as soon as possible is because if you’re not careful, it can get out of hand extremely easily. It is not uncommon at all for women to not pay attention to this facet of their lives only to watch the ‘small problem’ snowball into an enormous issue and possibly even reach a stage of obesity. The sooner you start, the faster you can ensure your own health and well-being for the longterm.

The reason for this snowballing effect is quite simple. When individuals are experiencing a slowed metabolic rate, they typically put on far more weight than the average person who has a normal or even fast metabolic rate. As you gain weight, your body demands more calories and the vicious cycle begins; individuals feed into their hunger and gain more weight, which results in a bigger and stronger desire for more calories. Cutting this poor habit early is critical if you’re looking to stay slim throughout and after your menopause.

Choosing to take a mild approach here can prove to be very dangerous. People often underestimate just how easy it can be to gain significant amounts of fat when you’re not careful and are faced with the burden of dealing with a slow metabolism. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you’ll catch up later or you may never escape the epidemic.


Why Do Many Women Put on Weight During Menopause?

The dieticians say there’s far too little research about menopause and weight gain: ‘Midlife women’s lives are complicated and often in transition on many fronts, and research to date has struggled to tease out the differences between weight gain related to age and that specifically attributed to shifting hormones. We do know that metabolism changes, especially once a woman is in her 40s, and it plays a major role in midlife weight gain.’


Foods To Avoid During Menopause

  • Caffeinated drinks in the evenings. These can cause insomnia. Jackie also points out that ‘green tea contains the same amount of caffeine as black tea. Be careful not to swap one problem for another – opt for a caffeine-free or herbal tea,’ she says.
  • Alcohol. While it’s OK for some women to drink, if you’re ‘someone who becomes intolerant to alcohol during the menopause you may find it worsens your sleep. And it can cause a hangover even when you haven’t drunk very much,’ says Dr Mukherjee.
  • Sugary drinks. ‘Avoid as they will cause weight gain, tooth decay and can cause sugar crashes and even type 2 diabetes in the long-term,’ she says. ‘Alcoholic drinks are also a source of sugar.’
  • Foods containing refined sugar. ‘These can cause weight gain for many women. Avoid if possible.’
  • Processed foods. ‘These also cause weight gain, are not nutritionally balanced and should be limited or avoided. Understanding what processed means is essential. For example, wheat-based foods and many liquidized foods and sugary drinks are processed. So bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, pizza, pastry and noodles are processed. Non-wheat alternatives to these are also processed. Fizzy drinks contain lots of sugar or lots of chemical alternatives to sugar,’ she explains.


Is It Ever Okay To Keep The Weight During Menopause?

Because menopause is a sensitive topic and many women experiences changes during this period of their life, it can be unfair to ask a woman going through menopause to lose weight immediately. It’s almost like the body a woman has post-pregnancy; she should not be rushing to the gym right away.

With that being said, you don’t want to have the mentality of “l’ll do it later” forever; after all, you only get one body and you should take care of it. After the first 4-6 months of experiencing menopause, you can begin to incorporate some light exercise into your lifestyle. This can mean some jogging on the treadmill, walking the dog, or even doing some squats around the house. Once you are comfortable doing these at a higher intensity, you can begin to work your way up into more rigorous exercises that require more energy and will result in a caloric deficit (helping you lose weight).


Bottom Line: The Menopause Diet – Lose Weight With The 5 Day Diet Plan


Once again, we cannot recommend the Menopause Belly Diet enough. This 5 day plan for menopause is extremely powerful. It is seriously very effective at getting the job done and we’ve yet to find a diet that is so specifically catered to women going through a menopausal stage and that gives such practical advice. The results our testers have experienced are truly remarkable and have quite frankly changed some lives. If you elect to do it on your own and put in the effort to lose wight without a plan, we strongly recommend doing your due diligence as it is in your best interest to combat this weight gain as effectively as possible.

Ana S. Vargas